When planning to start your own business the first thing you ask yourself is “What will I do?” Will your business be a service or will you be selling products on the internet? Finding the right business for you is crucial. Here are some steps to take when deciding what kind of business to start:
Make a list of the things you're good at and describe how others would benefit
How are your services valuable?
Is there competition; others offering your services in the area?
Learn from the success and failures of others
Believe in what you have to offer
Consider the risk involved and plan for success
What Do You Need to Begin?
When you decide what you want to do, the next step is to plan how to go about it. Do you possess the necessary skills to run your business? Is this something you can do by yourself or will you need to hire help?
Make a list of the items your business needs and what is required for you to be successful, including knowledge, skills, certifications, equipment and supplies.
What are the Legal Requirements?
You will need to be sure to meet the government requirements needed to operate your business. Go to your County Courthouse or City Hall and ask about requirements for starting your business.
The Secretary of State's website will have information about starting a business in your state, including licenses and permits.
Business Plan
Serious entrepreneurs start with a solid business plan. Many industries require special licenses and permits. You may need liability insurance. Even if you do not require much in start up costs, you may want to see if you an secure a line of credit, just in case.
You business plan should cover anticipated income and expenses. Make sure you are competitive with the market on what you are charging for your products and services and be sure you are considering all expenses.
Start Up Costs
How much money do you need to start your business? Do some research on the internet; look for sample business plans. Talk to others who are in business for themselves; ask them how they got started. Maybe you can borrow start up money from friends, family or investors.
You may need to start small to build revenue and a customer base, and then think about expanding. Get to know area vendors who offer supplies and services your business needs; they may be willing to extend credit to help you get started. Eventually, you will build equity in your business which can be used to obtain a business line of credit.
One of the worst mistakes new business owners make is thinking they will have customers immediately. Many online entrepreneurs have launched a website just to experience the disappointment of no sales for months. It is critical that you know your target market and how to reach them.
Internet marketing is the least expensive and the most effective in getting the word out. Think about who needs your product or service and develop a marketing plan with a catchy slogan to draw attention to what you are offering.
A good computer system might be valuable to improving your productivity. There is software available for many applications that can make operating your business easier. The time saved on automating certain tasks allows you to focus on marketing and improving your products and services.
The Future
Are you starting your business with the intention of selling it when you retire? Are you hoping your children will take over one day? Many business owners do not think this far. If you plan to sell the business in the future, you must build something that will be attractive to investors.
Starting and managing your business takes dedication, motivation and talent. It requires a lot of planning and research to help minimize risk and prepare you for what is ahead. Lack of planning is one of the leading cause of business failure.
© Bill Bartmann
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About the Author:
Bill Bartmann is a self-made billionaire who went from homeless at the age of 14 to becoming a billionaire, going bankrupt, then bouncing back to do it again! Bill has had his self-doubts and even bouts of depression; he wouldn't be human otherwise. However, when self-esteem is strong and you're clear about your values, then you can bounce back from the lows; each time, you bounce back just a little bit higher. Bring out the Billionaire in you; visit http://www.billionaireu.com/