Participating in social networking is an often-overlooked small business marketing tool. In the real world, our networks are hidden. Social networking sites solve this problem by letting you see who your friends and connections know, who your friends, friends know and so on. You then are free to contact anyone that interests you by inviting them to join your own social network.
If you are looking to expand your contact base, LinkedIn and Facebook are two of the more popular services that facilitate business-oriented connections. Facebook showed a 270 percent increase in visitors in 2007 over the year before according to comScore, a leader in measuring the digital world. Ecademy and Xing are also popular business networking sites.
Here are 5 Quick Tips to Successful Social Business Networking:
1. Take the time to learn how to properly use the business social networking site that you join. Most social networking sites offer online tutorials. Many sites allow you to post your own user generated content in the form of blogs, pictures, slide shows and videos. Many users do not use the social networking sites to their fullest potential by taking advantage of these features.
2. Don't let your ego take over and join in the race to build up a massive list of contacts to show off your "social power." If you have more than 500 "friends," take the time out to sort through these "friends" to be aware of the people you may be attracting to your network.
3. Build and manage your online reputation. According to a report on MSN, several companies are now using the "friends" on an applicant's social-networking page as references. Not only are they looking at your page on sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, they may also take the next step in contacting your friends. The old days of a page with three references and three phone numbers on it that you controlled are over. With social business networking, you open up your rolodex for the whole world to see.
4. Be professional. Type your posts, e-mails, comments or chats in a professional manner and do not use internet slang such as "lol", "omg", etc. Type your email, comments or chat messages as if you were standing in front of the person speaking face-to-face. Let's face it; this could be your first impression with a potential client or HR recruiter.
5. Establish a Routine. When logging on to your preferred Business Social Networking sites, set aside a designated length of time to spend here. Have some specific goals in mind when visiting the site.
Don't take a pass on the whole social networking trend. Millions of professionals are learning how social networks work, how social networking works, and how shared applications can be viral and ever-present. Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a successful social business network of your own.
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About the Author:
Robin Matuk is an Internet Business Coach who addresses the needs of entrepreneurs and business owners looking to maximize the power of the Internet to build, manage, and grow a thriving business. She is the founder of My Digital Coach, and a a blogger at Creating with Impact.
1 komentar:
It is good to see so many people taking initiative and giving us a good info on business networking.
Business networking is an essential system for businesses especially nowadays when competition can bring any business down. Through this system, entrepreneurs in the same network come together to share business referrals and other business opportunities to one another in a more personal manner, in meetings they can have outside the circle.
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