Be honest and give some thought to how you would answer the following questions:
Do you know what you're getting into?
Are you ready for business?
Are you the type who has the necessary attributes?
Do you possess the necessary skills?
Business ownership is not for everyone; some people should just be thankful for their job that provides a decent salary and benefits while offering some security. When it comes to working a job or owning a business, there is no question of which is better or worse; the question is, which one are we better suited for? Be consistent with yourself; ‘to thine own self be true'; if your skills dictate that you work for someone else, be happy and content; this is where you belong.
On the other hand, if you feel you possess the attributes necessary to be successful in business ownership, by all means, go for it! An entrepreneur is one who is willing to face risk in exchange for the reward; he would be a terrible employee, unable to accept being told what to do.
Do you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?
Are you on who can stay focused on what you're doing and where you're going?
Can you make and keep a commitment?
Can you get past the word, “NO”? Getting past no is essential to your business success. When you're told “no,” do you freeze up or shut down? Do you take “no” for an answer? Are you persistent in asking questions, discussing issues and debating the reason for a “no” answer? To an entrepreneur, “no” means not yet or not until; no is not the final answer.
Do you possess enough confidence to prove others wrong when they tell you why you cannot succeed? A successful entrepreneur does not allow himself to be talked out of success by others. If you feel that you are right for business ownership, look into the idea; become educated and take control of your destiny.
© Bill Bartmann, Billionaire Business Systems
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About the Author:
Bill Bartmann is a self-made billionaire who went from homeless at the age of 14 to becoming a billionaire, going bankrupt, then bouncing back to do it again! Bill has had his self-doubts and even bouts of depression; he wouldn't be human otherwise. However, when self-esteem is strong and you're clear about your values, then you can bounce back from the lows; each time, you bounce back just a little bit higher. Bring out the Billionaire in you; visit http://www.billionaireu.com/
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